Garden Transformation
There are numerous areas of my garden which require attention. This weekend I tackled one.
Sometimes it helps me stay motivated to break down a complex task into defined steps and track my project in a before and after. So while this post is really for me, I thought it might be helpful to someone else as well.
Step One. Survey the Situation.
Weeds. Check.
Lack of “real” plants. Check.
Step Two. Weed. A lot!
Step Three. Amend clay soil.
Clay soil is the bane of most Virginia gardeners. It’s thick and heavy when it’s wet and it dries rock solid. Most things don’t grow in it so you have to add a little sand and some “real” soil or organic matter like manure or compost. I recently met a soil scientist who informed me that, contrary to common belief, you can permanently fix clay soil in your garden by digging it up and amending it with sand and organic materials. It’s just that you have to do it five times(!) before it takes. I have yet to meet someone willing to dig up their entire garden five times so the rest of us just dig it up and amend in spots as we plant.
Step Four. Plant
I borrowed liriope from the enormous quantity we have in our front flower beds so I got my edging for free. And you know the story now of the rescued Ruby Spice Clethra so that was “free” in a sense too.
Step Five. Mulch
I have learned to like mulching. It is kind of like painting. It finishes off the garden and gives the planting area an organized look.