Author: anne

Summer Eating: Thai-Inspired Lettuce Wraps

Summer Eating: Thai-Inspired Lettuce Wraps

I was tasked with brining a “side or salad” for a recent party and needed an idea. Virginia summers are hot and humid and food does not tend to keep well. I needed something that would not spoil in the heat. I also wanted to 

Tutu Fun

Tutu Fun

One of my favorite accomplishments in June was finishing up the knitted ballerina rabbit I started around Easter. After finishing the bunny, its sweater and ballet slippers, there was just one important piece missing . . . the tutu! And to my great luck, our 

June Recovery

June Recovery

These guys were hanging out in our front yard one evening.  It is unusual to see so many bucks together.
These guys were hanging out in our front yard one evening. It is unusual to see so many bucks together.

In my last post, I mentioned my summer “unscheduling,” but did not realize exactly how unscheduled I was about to become in terms of my blog.

Part of my blogging absence has been having too much to do in my “real” life.

We are making good use of the library.
We are making good use of the library.
The girls had a dance recital.
The girls had a dance recital.
There is no shortage of tasks to be done in the garden.
There is no shortage of tasks to be done in the garden.
Inside as well, everything is getting a thorough scrub.  Here: I am setting off an explosion of OxyClean on my stairs.
Inside as well, everything is getting a thorough scrub. Here: I am setting off an explosion of OxyClean on my stairs.
In the middle of all this activity, life happens too, including a sudden blackout for about 7 hours one evening.  We were grateful for the crank-flashlights that never run out of batteries.
In the middle of all this activity, life happens too, including a sudden blackout for about 7 hours one evening. We were grateful for the crank-flashlights that never run out of batteries.
June was also a time of many celebrations.  We celebrated Father's Day. . . .
June was also a time of many celebrations. We celebrated Father’s Day. . .
We celebrated birthdays with our friends.
We celebrated birthdays with our friends.
 . . . and we celebrated our wedding anniversary (complete with fireworks provided by an exceptionally timed early 4th of July celebration in our county).
. . . and we celebrated our wedding anniversary (complete with fireworks provided by an exceptionally timed early 4th of July celebration in our county).

In addition, we finished up the required subjects for our homeschool curriculum and administered standardized tests and are beginning some home improvement planning as well.

What a month! I can’t believe it is July already! This summer “vacation” business is hard work!

Hope you are enjoying your summer so far! Thanks for indulging me in a much-needed break.

Summer (Un)Scheduling

Summer (Un)Scheduling

My mom called the other day in alarm that there had not been a Ruly post in over a week! She wanted to make sure I was OK. Yes, all is well! We have just been extremely busy with a ballet recital last week. Between 

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

It is hard to believe it is already Memorial Day weekend and that the beginning of summer is upon us! Thinking today about veterans, past, present and future. Their work secures our great nation. I am always inspired and a bit in awe when I