Easter: The Knitting

Easter: The Knitting

Making Easter outfits for my children has been one of my traditions in the last few years. 2013 – Easter Sweaters 2012 – Easter Dresses This year, my Easter outfits were inspired by a treasure trove of yarn samples. I ordered some wonderful hand-dyed yarn 

Easter: The Food

Easter: The Food

Thank you for all the great comments and questions on my last post about the end of my Lenten healthy eating experiment! I will be getting to your questions soon. First, I need to take a short mental break from dieting to catch up on 

Lenten Clean Eating Project: Final Results

Lenten Clean Eating Project: Final Results

Perhaps you suspected my lack of posting was due to a sugar coma after eating only “clean” healthy foods for the 46 days before Easter. I certainly did my share of feasting on Easter and will tell you about our celebration in the next post. 

Lent: Days 41-44

Lent: Days 41-44

You would think that with just two days left to go, this would be the easiest part of my Lenten healthy eating plan, but it’s not. This week has been one of the toughest of the whole diet. It may be because I am looking 

Lent: Days 37-40

Lent: Days 37-40

It’s been a long, difficult week but there is just one week left to go on my Lenten clean eating diet! This past week, counting the juice fast, I had 5 fasting days and only 2 normal eating days. Amazingly, I didn’t feel completely drained