Lent Days 34-36: The 3-Day Juice Cleanse

Lent Days 34-36: The 3-Day Juice Cleanse

I survived the 3-day juice cleanse and learned so much! This was a completely new experience for me so below is my newbie guide to a 3-day juice cleanse. Background The 3-day juice cleanse I followed was developed by Joe Cross, an Australian businessman. He 

Lent: Days 30-33 and Fifth Weigh-in

Lent: Days 30-33 and Fifth Weigh-in

I can hardly believe that there are only two weeks left in my Lenten healthy eating diet! The time is going by quickly and we are busy getting ready for Easter. I am not tempted to cheat at this point because I am so close 

Lent: Days 27-29, On the Road Again

Lent: Days 27-29, On the Road Again

It has been a busy few days fitting in a short local vacation to spend time with my visiting parents. What do you do when you are on a diet and have to go on vacation? My answer was to bring my food with me. 

Lent: Days 25-26 and Fourth Weigh-In

Lent: Days 25-26 and Fourth Weigh-In

Saturday night was a bust for exercise as my son became suddenly ill with a stomach virus. It was a long and messy night with him. I spent most of Sunday disinfecting our bed, washing everything from mattress covers to the goose down comforter and 

Lent: Days 22-24

Lent: Days 22-24

I have crossed the halfway point in my Lenten healthy eating project! It’s all downhill to Easter from here. Just a little over 3 weeks left. Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Nutritional News Roundup I had a big shock today to read some recent