Lent: Days 11-12 and Second Weigh-in Results

Lent: Days 11-12 and Second Weigh-in Results

I am pleased to report I made it through yet another weekend while sticking to my healthy eating plan! I must admit, however, that I was feeling some yearnings to order out for pizza on Saturday night and I really, really, really wanted some sugar 

Lent: Day 10

Lent: Day 10

A quick note. . . Today was a fairly regular day in the healthy eating routine but with one twist. What do you do when you are invited to dinner while you are on a diet? Fortunately, the invitation came from a good friend and 

Lent: Day 9

Lent: Day 9

Just checking in to confirm that the healthy eating continues. Today, I found a lecture on sugar by Dr. Robert Lustig who is a doctor of pediatric medicine at the University of California San Francisco specializing in pediatric obesity. I was curious to watch this 

Lent: Day 8

Lent: Day 8

Celebrating one week on our healthy eating experiment for Lent! Today was a fasting day for me so no cooking for me but plenty for the children. When my children didn’t have their sugary staples to fall back on, they started binge-eating Go-gurt yogurt tubes 

Lent: Day 7

Lent: Day 7

Just a quick note on todayโ€™s recipes. After taking a break for 2 days from exercise due to general lack of energy, I got back on track today for my Tracy Anderson workout. Learning to exercise with fewer carbs in the body adds another layer