Valentine’s Day through Music

Valentine’s Day through Music

After a blog server upgrade and 8+inches of snow, we are still getting back to normal around here! Wanted to wish all of my readers valentines a very Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you for stopping in to be a part of my life! This Valentine’s 

Celebrity Weight Loss Tricks and Secrets

Celebrity Weight Loss Tricks and Secrets

We are a celebrity obsessed culture. Everywhere we look there is some ultra-glamorous person staring back at us–someone who is so impossibly beautiful with a perfect face and slim body. We are instantly captivated and listen to whatever these gorgeous people have to say, important 

Signs Your Diet Has Crossed the Line Into Anorexia

Signs Your Diet Has Crossed the Line Into Anorexia

Ruth recently posted a comment on my post reporting the opinions of my doctors on my diet and exercise efforts. . . . And fyi–here are signs of anorexia: Do you feel fat even though people tell you you’re not? Are you terrified of gaining 

Reader Question: Fasting Salad Recipes

Reader Question: Fasting Salad Recipes

Devoted reader Bertie recently commented on my 5-2 fasting post: Bertie says: Those salads look delicious! Could you post the recipes? When I first started making calorie-conscious salads, I was careful to write down all the ingredients and track all the calories. I posted my 

Testing the GOOP Winter Detox: The Recipes

Testing the GOOP Winter Detox: The Recipes

With all the ingredients acquired, it was time to start the goop Winter Detox. The night before starting the detox, you need to soak the chickpeas for the day one soup in water. I put them in a pot in the fridge and went to