Weighing In – One Week on Diet and Exercise Regime

It’s been one week on my new diet. I am still keeping up with my DDP Yoga daily exercise regimen. It has been tough adjusting to the increased energy needed to exercise while dieting but I seem to get mentally stronger on this every day. 

8 Dieting Lessons Learned So Far

I never thought that something simple like dieting would have such an impact on all phases of my life! Below are a few lessons learned so far. 1. We are more addicted to sugary foods than we know. If you love to have a little 

Calorie Counting

In my Internet reading on dieting, I came across this great article from The Huffington Post with tips from medical doctors on weight loss. There were two key points of this article that stuck with me. This has certainly been true in my experience. When 

Spring Snow

A few scenes from the “snowquester” at our house. At one point, the power went out for several hours, testing our emergency preparedness capabilities. The supplies we ended up needing were: While the schools closed for 3 days this week, my poor homeschooled children can’t 

Exercise Update – Dieting!

It has been about 3 weeks now that I have been exercising with the DDP Yoga system. On Sunday, I weighed in and found that I had gained ยผ of a pound! It was time to face facts that there is a reason they call