Thanksgiving Wreath

Thanksgiving Wreath

I have needed a wreath for my front door to fill the holiday gap between Halloween and Christmas. I have my black tulle wreath for Halloween and usually try to find a fresh pine wreath for Christmas but November has a gap. Early this fall, 

Thanksgiving Recap

Thanksgiving Recap

It has been quite a weekend and I am still in disbelief that it is the first of December! We started off with weather drama–our first snow of the season! It was only a dusting that melted quickly but enough to cause panic. We did 

3 Cleaning Tricks for Holiday Entertaining

3 Cleaning Tricks for Holiday Entertaining

As the holiday season approaches, one of the most dreaded tasks is cleaning your house for hosting guests. There is enough to do with all the cooking and decorating but the cleaning obligations can take over your life! I have been immersed in a fall 



Apologies for the lack of posts recently. I have been married to my sewing machine for the past few weeks. My children began applying the pressure two weeks ago. “Mom, there are exactly 11 days until Halloween and you need to sew our costumes!” We 

Our Homeschooling Curriculum and Goals for this Year

Our Homeschooling Curriculum and Goals for this Year

Each year that I homeschool, I learn a lot about being a good teacher. In these early years, I feel that I improve as a teacher by at least 30% each year over the previous year. Most of what I have to learn has to