Money Recap

It’s the last day of March and time to recap this month’s discussion of money.  I am also including some of my favorite comments from the month and links to other interesting articles. We started the month discussing the reasons why you need to learn 

Perfectionism Recap

It’s the end of the month and time to recap our discussion of perfectionism. We started the month defining perfectionism and dicussing Pavel Somov’s 3 types of perfectionistic hunger. The Ruly Challenge this month was to keep a perfectionism diary to make you more aware 

January Recap and Ruly Challenge

Is it just me or is it unbelievable that it is already the end of January!   This month at Ruly we focused on goals and goal-setting strategies.  We learned from a variety of voices about how to set and achieve goals, summarized below: Kevin 

December Recap and Thank You Note Angst

Unbelievably, it is the end of another month already!  Being occupied with so many holiday preparations, the month flew by.  Here is a recap of this Ruly December: We kicked off the month with Rajiv Agarwal’s Ruly Mix and readers danced as they went  about 

November Recap

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and that you are refreshed after a four-day weekend.  This is the time of year when life gets so busy that months flash by in seconds.  I can hardly believe we are at the end of November! As