Welcome to 2011—a fresh new year! There have been so many wonderful blog posts written about New Year’s resolutions that I wanted to share a few along with some thoughts of my own. For help on setting and achieving resolutions: 1. Last year’s Ruly January …
To start my 2011 off right, I need not to be dragging the emergency food storage planning forward with me. ☺ So, I present to you my draft 6-day plans for men (2,500 calories) women (2,000 calories) and a few ideas for meal planning for …
"Can display." Photo by Maureen Lunn. From the Flickr Creative Commons.
Time is running out for my 30-day emergency meal plan! I am still hard at work on it with just a few more calculations to run. In the meantime, I wanted to share the breakfasts and snacks I have come up with so far.
My final challenge is to try to pull together all these breakfast, lunch, and dinner options to see if a healthy plan meeting most of the recommended nutritional requirements is possible!
The sodium count is by far the most challenging. Fortunately, there are many people now on low sodium diets that have forced food manufacturers to come up with lower sodium versions of almost every product. Making simple changes, like swapping out one brand of pancake mix for another had a huge impact on the overall sodium count. It has also been eye-opening for me to discover how much sodium is in so many different foods, including ones you don’t think of as being “salty.”
Since our family generally likes cereal, oatmeal and pancakes for breakfast and would be ok eating these things over and over again, I didn’t try to come up with 6 different options for breakfast. Instead, I came up with the following four:
4. 2 Carbquik biscuits (a lower sodium and higher fiber biscuit mix alternative) with gravy from a packet mix, with one cup natural applesauce and a packet of dried fruit. (320 calories, 480 mg sodium)
One thing I have learned in my food planning research is that it is really hard to get enough daily calories out of your main meals without adding any snacks. Generally if you have enough calories in the main meal, you are blowing the sodium count, fat count or some other nutritional guideline. So it generally works out better nutritionally to have somewhat smaller meals and more snacks. Some dieters swear by this method of eating as well to curb hunger cravings.
6. Low-salt baked potato chips. (120 calories, 115 mg sodium). It is really hard to find low-salt or no-salt chips locally but the Internet offers numerous options for a salty snack with less guilt.
In my next post, I hope to pull this all together into a 6-day meal plan (that can be repeated 5 times for a 30-day plan) for a male, female and child. Stay tuned!
Soon it will be time to pack away all those holiday decorations for another year. Ugh! I doubt if anyone really enjoys this step. We all know it is essential to get holiday decorations put away in a relatively organized way so that all of …
For those who celebrated Christmas, hope your holiday was lovely and that you enjoyed celebrations with your loved ones thoroughly! We had a wonderful Christmas here. The actual Christmas morning event seemed to last all of about 10 minutes with lots of packages and wrapping …