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Lent: Day 6

Lent: Day 6

Getting through the daylight savings time switch without sugar, carbs or caffeine is like walking with lead boots on. I woke up this morning wiped out and shaky after my fasting day yesterday and rushed down to the kitchen for my pumpkin pie shake fix. 

Lent: Days 4 and 5 and First Weigh-in

Lent: Days 4 and 5 and First Weigh-in

We are having a gorgeous, sunshine-filled warm weekend here in Virginia. Outside you can hear birds singing. Spring is definitely on its way. A quick recap on how things are going so far in my Lenten healthy eating project. Saturday was a busy day full 

Lent: Day 3

Lent: Day 3

Snagging a few of his sister's peas.  Loving this photo!
Snagging a few of his sister’s peas. Loving this photo!

Day 3 was going to be our first challenge in portable clean eating. My daughters had their last day of ski lessons for the season and I would have to bring my meals with me. We were in a hurry to get out the door so I quickly grabbed my leftover salad and dressing from yesterday (already packaged in plastic containers), a can of salmon, a can opener and a fork. I mixed up my salad at the ski resort. It was just as good as yesterday.

Mixing up the salad.
Mixing up the salad.

Day 3 was also mostly a day of leftovers which was great because it meant less cooking time.

Pumpkin pie shake...again.  I find it quite crave-able actually.
Pumpkin pie shake…again. I find it quite crave-able actually.
My watermelon-loving daughter remembered that she had found a recipe on the Fresh Beat Band website for watermelon smoothie.  We made it and she loved it!  It does have 1 Tablespoon of sugar in it but I let that slide in favor of getting the fruit content in.
My watermelon-loving daughter remembered that she had found a recipe on the Fresh Beat Band website for watermelon smoothie. We made it and she loved it! It does have 1 Tablespoon of sugar in it but I let that slide in favor of getting the fruit content in.
I ate the meals for today all out of order.  I made the omelet for myself and my husband closer to dinnertime.  He said it was very good.  He liked the spiciness of it and said, "If I could have this for breakfast before work each morning that would be perfect."
I ate the meals for today all out of order. I made the omelet for myself and my husband closer to dinnertime. He said it was very good. He liked the spiciness of it and said, “If I could have this for breakfast before work each morning that would be perfect.”
My son is feeling the withdrawal of all his favorite foods.  He keeps asking me for "vanilla ice cream."  When I tell him we don't have any, he asks for "chocolate ice cream."  Today he was focused on "Nutella sandwich" and "fruit snacks."  We didn't have those either.  He decided that peanut butter and jelly was a good substitute.
My son is feeling the withdrawal of all his favorite foods. He keeps asking me for “vanilla ice cream.” When I tell him we don’t have any, he asks for “chocolate ice cream.” Today he was focused on “Nutella sandwich” and “fruit snacks.” We didn’t have those either. He decided that peanut butter and jelly was a good substitute.
I was shocked when my picky eater asked for peas!  I made them right away to seize on the moment.
I was shocked when my picky eater asked for peas! I made them right away to seize on the moment.
The Princess and the Pea.  She didn't eat many of the peas.  When I started to complain she didn't eat very many of them she tactfully reminded me, "Yes, but I did eat some of them."  And she was right.  The point is to start getting used to new foods in a positive way.
The Princess and the Pea. She didn’t eat many of the peas. When I started to complain she didn’t eat very many of them she tactfully reminded me, “Yes, but I did eat some of them.” And she was right. The point is to start getting used to new foods in a positive way.
Mediterranean turkey burger salad again.  I think I am grilling the burgers just a smidge too long (even though I am following the cooking instructions).  All the greens in the burger seem to make it brown faster too.  I had my husband taste this and he said he wasn't crazy about it because it had a strong vinegar-like taste.
Mediterranean turkey burger salad again. I think I am grilling the burgers just a smidge too long (even though I am following the cooking instructions). All the greens in the burger seem to make it brown faster too. I had my husband taste this and he said he wasn’t crazy about it because it had a strong vinegar-like taste.
More soaked almonds.
More soaked almonds.
My family was starting to complain that they needed some sweets.  I already had a plan in mind and made up some of the Sweet Potato and Chinese 5 Spice Muffins.  They use gluten-free flour and maple syrup as a sugar substitute.  I don't consider them acceptable for my Lenten diet but I thought they looked and smelled quite yummy.  My son ate them heartily.  My daughters said they were "A little delicious" and "Pretty OK" but weren't enthusiastic about them.  My husband said he prefers the texture of real flour.
My family was starting to complain that they needed some sweets. I already had a plan in mind and made up some of the Sweet Potato and Chinese 5 Spice Muffins. They use gluten-free flour and maple syrup as a sugar substitute. I don’t consider them acceptable for my Lenten diet but I thought they looked and smelled quite yummy. My son ate them heartily. My daughters said they were “A little delicious” and “Pretty OK” but weren’t enthusiastic about them. My husband said he prefers the texture of real flour.

That wraps up day three. So far, I am still doing fine managing cravings. Even though all of this food is relatively low calorie (there are no calorie counts in the book but I am doing rough calculations as I make them), the portions are so generous that I don’t feel hungry either.

Thanks to Bertie and Mary for sharing their journey in the comments on day 2! Mary was struggling with sugar withdrawal and Bertie found the app MyFitnessPal to help her. Keep it up!

Lent: Day 2

Lent: Day 2

It’s Day Two of our clean eating journey for Lent. Day One was not difficult for me as it was a regular fasting and salad day. It was also time to go grocery shopping for day two. We ended up at Wal-Mart and I decided 

Day 1: Eating Clean for Lent

Day 1: Eating Clean for Lent

Today is the first day of Lent and so begins my 40-day life experiment. Last year, I chose to do yoga for 40 days and ended up adding in a diet as well and ended up dropping about 13 pounds. This year, my challenge is