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Ruly Bookshelf: Polarity Bear Tours the Zoo

Ruly Bookshelf: Polarity Bear Tours the Zoo

With snow on the ground and temperatures chilly, it seems only appropriate to review a children’s book about polar bears!  Polarity Bear Tours the Zoo: A Central Park Adventure was a gift from the La Jolla Writer’s Conference.  Author Sue de Cuevas is a retired 

My Theme Word for 2014

My Theme Word for 2014

Professional organizer Marcia Francois is the genius behind the annual theme word concept. Each year, she advises everyone to choose one word to focus on throughout the year–one word that is the broad theme behind any resolutions or goals you are hoping to achieve. Last 

Reflections on My 2013 Theme Word: Routine

Reflections on My 2013 Theme Word: Routine

Something that is not routine in Virginia . . . snow!  A scene from last night's storm.
Something that is not routine in Virginia . . . snow! A scene from last night’s storm.

Another blog housekeeping item on my list is to look back on my theme word for 2013: routine. I noted at the time that this word is not very exciting. When I first thought of the word routine, I generally thought about staying in place or even stagnating. I came to learn that there is far more to routine than that.

I really tried to keep the idea “routine” top of mind and gained some incredible insights over the course of a year. In one area, diet and exercise, I excelled at implementing new routines and made a huge positive difference in my life. In other areas, I could have done better.

Even if I didn’t always succeed in implementing an actual routine in a particular area, by focusing in on what routine meant to me, I gained philosophical insights that helped me. The inspiration came from a variety of places: from my initial reflections, from my diet and exercise regimen, from travel and from reading good books.

Below are the 6 biggest insights I had about routine.







Did you choose a theme word for 2013? If yes, what were your biggest insights? Please share in the comments.

2013 Ruly Year in Review

2013 Ruly Year in Review

Are you feeling the great energy of the new year? Are you making big plans for yourself or sitting down to think through what you want this year to look like for you? Great! I am too! But on my blog, I am not quite 

Happy New Year!  Ruly Holiday Road Trip: Days 15 and 16, The Road Home

Happy New Year! Ruly Holiday Road Trip: Days 15 and 16, The Road Home

Happy New Year! It is the start of a fresh year and the end of 2013’s holiday party season . . . and time to finish up our holiday road trip. When I last left you, we were waiting for an ice storm to descend