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A White-Knuckle Drive Through West Virginia

“We’re a little low on gas.  We should fuel up here before we get on our way,” my husband advised as we left Grandview. The first gas station we stopped at appeared to be closed with plastic bags over the gas pump handles.  We drove 

Ruly Road Trip 2012 – Day 1

The first day our trip almost ended before it began. Our story begins late Friday evening when I am still packing (or more truthfully, just beginning to pack) for our trip.  I have most of the clothes spread out on the bed as I hear 

Ruly, where have you been?

Over two weeks without a post?  What’s up?

Fortunately, only good things.  We’ve been on vacation!  While many bloggers will helpfully post a notice that they are going on vacation, with me all you got was silence and a sudden departure.  It’s the vacuuming equivalent of yanking the cord out of the wall rather than properly unplugging.

If you’re a long-time reader, you may recall the Ruly Road Trip of 2010 where we traveled across the country visiting family and picking up organizing ideas along the way.  Well, we did it again!  A different route this time, a new traveler (my infant son) and new organizing ideas to share.

First, a quick overview:

The route:  13 states in 17 days from Fredericksburg, Virginia to Salt Lake City, Utah and back, crisscrossing the heartland of America.

Our 2012 summer road trip route.


The travelers: 5, 2 adults and 3 children ages 6, 4 and 11 months

Our traveling band.

The vehicle: Our intrepid minivan.

To the minivan! Westward Ho!

The plan: Drive about 500-600 miles per day en route to Salt Lake, stopping at least once per day to see something notable.  Chill out with family for one week.  Then 500-600 miles per day back.

Over the next days, I will share the highlights of our trip and toss in some travel organizing tips as well as organizing tips picked up from across the country.

Please feel free to add your comments if you see anything you recognize, your own take on traveling and road-tripping or just a check-in to say hello.  Here’s to a fun, virtual vacation at Ruly this month!

Continue reading: Ruly Road Trip 2012 – Day 1

Ruly Bookshelf: Marcia Francois’ Live Organised

My goal this month was to read and review Marcia Francois’ new book Live Organised and I am happy to report that I have succeeded! I read the book yesterday despite an overfull schedule. The great thing about this book is that it suits its 

July 4th Cookout MUST HAVES!

The economy is still terrible. And people more than ever long to congregate over great food. Luckily the two are not mutually exclusive. I wrote last year’s Ruly Ruth on what’s hot food-wise to share. So I think it’s a must that I update this