Tag: diet and exercise

Kid-Friendly Diet and Exercise Modifications

When one person in a family adopts healthy diet and exercise routines, a funny thing happens . . . the effect spreads to the rest of the family. If that family member also happens to be the main cook and food provider for the family, 

The Dieters Dilemma: Eat What You Want or When You Want?

This month, I have been experimenting with various weight maintenance strategies to attempt to retain the 13 pound weight loss I achieved last month. I have never had to be an active dieter before so I had no idea how to even go about this. 

Starving . . . the latest dieting trend?

In my quest this month to maintain my weight loss, I have come across so many interesting ideas about weight and health. None have been as shocking and interesting, however as these two videos from PBS where Dr. Michael Mosley investigates the latest trends in diet and exercise. They are not boring and Dr. Mosley presents the information as a grand experiment rather than preaching to us about what we ought to be doing.

I hope you take two hours to watch them both. The rest of the series looks fascinating as well!

Eat, Fast and Live Longer

Watch Eat, Fast and Live Longer with Michael Mosley on PBS. See more from Michael Mosley.

The Truth About Exercise

Watch The Truth About Exercise with Michael Mosley on PBS. See more from Michael Mosley.

2013-04-12-fastdiet Dr. Mosley has written a book to accompany the series called The Fast Diet that looks fascinating too. If anyone wants to join me in reading this for a virtual Ruly book club, please comment!

Is a Low Carb Diet Really Healthier for You? Blood Test Results After 30 Days on a Low Carb Diet

If you are a carb-lover like me, any news that avoiding carbohydrates is better for health is hard to take. Most American meals are somehow based on carbohydrates: pasta, pizza, bread, rice, etc. Eating low carb or no carb is so hard and takes tremendous 

Results: Day 40 of DDPYoga and Diet Routine

I made it! 40 days on an exercise routine (with 30 days on both a diet AND exercise routine)! Many people I have spoken with about my experiment express amazement for my discipline and self-motivation. Honestly, I do too! I am not sure why I