Tag: healthy eating

Does Eating At Home Really Save You Money?

The first question in my November healthy eating experiment was whether eating at home would aid weight loss and make you healthier.  I told you my results on that yesterday.  The second question in my experiment was whether eating at home saves you money? Logically, 

Day 30: Results

The last time I updated you on my diet and exercise progress was a mid-month.  What happened since then? Diet We made it out of the vegetable soup rut.  The last two soups in my recipe queue were quite a bit better than the first 

A Little Fruits and Vegetables Music

If you are looking for a little extra motivation to eat more fruits and vegetables, check out these great entries for the MyPlate Fruits & Veggies Video Challenge.  It’s a little hard to write a good song about eating healthy but these entries show that it can be done!

First, the “Fruit Veggie Swag.” These cute kids pack a lot of information into this short video, including recipes! Love it!

Next, the “Make Half Your Plate Fruit and Veggies Rap.” Hilarious vegetable costumes to boot!

“Healthy Snacks” was written by an adorable 8 year old boy with diabetes. Quite impressive!

And it’s not just kids either! Check out the “Wrap Rap.”

As fun as the music and songs are, my kids’ current favorite is this fruit and vegetable race video.

You can vote on your favorite (including the above entries and many, many others) at fruitsandveggies.challenge.gov. Voting ends December 12 and the winning videos receive prizes from $500 – $1,500.

Legislating Vegetables: Current Experiments with School Lunch and SNAP

I owe you an update on my diet and exercise status but that will be coming on Thursday. I have been continuing my progress and have a lot to tell you. Today, however, I thought it would be interesting to expand on our discussion of 

Ruly Ruth: Thanksgiving…Vegetarian Style!

Next week, we are coming up on the biggest meat-eating holiday of the entire year . . . Thanksgiving!  As a special challenge to Ruly Ruth, I inquired what she would do if she had to host a vegetarian Thanksgiving.  While I have never been