Tag: healthy eating

Diet and Exercise Progress in May

Since it is the end of May, it is time for me to check in on my diet and exercise progress this month. I continued the basic routine from last month. So far, I am generally holding my weight with this eating pattern which is 

Reader Question: Can a Fortified or Enriched Food Be as Healthy as One Made with Natural Ingredients?

Reader Ben (also my wonderful brother-in-law) posted several comments this month on my nutrition series inquiring about how to evaluate the health benefits of foods that are fortified with various vitamins and minerals compared to natural, whole foods. “I have been wondering if these ‘fortified 

Reader Request: 400 Calorie Salad Recipes

A montage of Ruly salad creations.
A montage of Ruly salad creations.

Facebook fan Lisa commented recently to request a copy of the salad recipes that I used during my weight loss program last month. Lisa, you have no idea how much this thrills my heart! First, a comment! Hooray! Second, I don’t know if I have ever had original recipes to share ever in my life. So, of course, I wanted to fulfill Lisa’s request.

I went back through the calorie counting notes I took and compiled a list of 11 salads along with “recipes” to make them. These salads are so easy anyone can make them. It is not so much cooking as it is assembling a lot of basic ingredients in a salad bowl.

I condensed them into a one-page sheet that you can tack to your fridge for inspiration and even compiled the ingredient list for all the salads into a grocery shopping list if you are so inclined. The font is a tad small, however. If this gives anyone problems, please comment and I will try to modify it into a two-pager with bigger fonts.

Enjoy and happy eating! If you create your own low calorie salads you would like to share, please comment or link up!

Husband Cookies

It is especially hard to try to eat healthy when you have a fast-paced job requiring many hours in the office, travel and social events. As my husband has watched my diet and exercise transformation, he asked me to help brainstorm with him about what 

Kid-Friendly Diet and Exercise Modifications

When one person in a family adopts healthy diet and exercise routines, a funny thing happens . . . the effect spreads to the rest of the family. If that family member also happens to be the main cook and food provider for the family,